I will talk about how much I like holidays, specifically summer ones. Because they are longer, I love the heat. I like them to be long, because I can visit many places, some that I already know and others that I would like to be in. Traveling is a good experience, I have always thought that the more you travel, the more chances you have of seeing the world, not just landscapes, but different realities. It gives you the opportunity to meet new people and to have a cultural exchange. In this photo I am in Bariloche in December 2016, I liked this trip too much, I relaxed being there, because weeks before I had given the PSU and that had me wrong, besides I went with some of my friends. I had a great time, I visited several places in this beautiful city. This summer I visited Cabo Frio with my family, it was a nice trip, because I had never been to Brazil before. What I liked most were its beaches and what I liked the least was the food.