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The Cell-Phone in the Classroom

They know that technology is everywhere; it is always within our reach. Most people have a cell-phone with internet access, this helps us to be connected to the world and to communicate instantly, if we want to know something we only look for it on the internet and we get the answer quickly. Some people say that it is not always good   to see the cell-phone at all times. They give an example to the classroom, point out that “in classes you have to pay attention to the teacher” or “the cell-phone just is a distraction for the students”. Nevertheless, Most students use the cell-phone for look more information that the teacher gives them or is talking to his classmates about it. Because many times teachers have a monopoly on the word, they do not let the students talk with him or with others.
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Some people argue that Education is not necessarily important for the growth of a nation.

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Every kid needs a champion

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The Really Problem in Chile I would like to refer to bullyng in Chile, this has become a big problem in the educational and emotional area of the children and teachers in the country. Fisrtly I would like to refer bulling is. It is harassment school, what can be done between classmates, can pass from a teacher to a student or vice versa. And it can also happen between teachers.   In Chile the bullyng rate is very high, the NGO "Bullyng sin fronteras" points out that bullyng since april of 2017 at april 2018 in Chile were up the claims for bullying.  The NGO determined that only bullying is considered harassment when it is kept on repeated occasions during the time. That is the reason why, the harassment is justified when the victim was molested only once. Exist two kind of bullying: Direct, this is when the bullying es physical and there insult to the person. Indirect, is when exist only threat. Not always bullying is physical, there i...

Bio Data

My name is Javiera Parada Salazar. I was born on October 7th, 1998 in Santiago, Chile. In my whole life I have study in Colina, because I live in there. Presently I study preescolar education in the Universidad de Chile, I am in second year. I like so much this career, because I have learned more than I really expected. I thought   that this career was easier, but it's more complicated than people think. In the first terms of my second year I applaied to be assistant of the a course this name is “Filosofía y Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales”, was accepted. This made me so happy, because it was a important opportunity to gain experience in this area, I love learn this team, such as cuantitative and cualitative analisis, the method used for the investigation, etc. In the future I would like to spechualize in Educational Investigation, I think is a very important for my career.

English Language Challenges

Hello nice people, it is the last blog of life ja ja ja I am very happy about this. It was hard for me to write every Tuesday, but I think it helped a little. I learned some new words and their pronunciation, I also liked some topics and knew what my classmates wrote as well. I constantly commented on what my friends wrote (Moira and Estefanía), although we talked a lot and could say it in person, I had to write in English. I had never written in English before, the truth is that I do not like it, but I think it is very necessary to travel the world. Since it is the universal language, I need to learn it very well, to communicate and not be swindled ha ja ja ja. In the near future I would like to take an intensive English program and start from 0. I do not use much English in my life, but my boyfriend's mom is an English teacher and she tries to always speak to me in English so that I get used to that. She has a younger son, he is 5 years old, to whom she always spe...