The Really Problem in Chile
I would
like to refer to bullyng in Chile, this has become a big problem in the
educational and emotional area of the children and teachers in the country.
Fisrtly I
would like to refer bulling is. It is harassment school, what can be done
between classmates, can pass from a teacher to a student or vice versa. And it
can also happen between teachers. In
Chile the bullyng rate is very high, the NGO "Bullyng sin fronteras" points out that bullyng since april of 2017 at april 2018 in Chile were up the claims for bullying.
The NGO determined that only bullying is considered harassment when it is kept on repeated occasions during the time. That is the reason why, the harassment is justified when the victim was molested only once.
Exist two kind of bullying:
Not always bullying is physical, there is also cyberbullying, which is completely psychological. But in Chile, the "Ley de Violencia Escolar" of 2011, dosen't iclude cyberbullying literally.
It affects the emotional, since between pairs the children are cruel. However, this is also closely related to the emotional intelligence that the child has developed throughout his life, attachment also plays an important role, since it is the basis on which self-esteem and self-concept are obtained.
There is a program called KiVa, this is aimed at the prevention of bullying. This program was created by Christina Salmivalli, based on studies carried out at the University of Turku, in Finland.
Chistina say that is better work with the teachers, than with the parents.
For to implement the KiVa program in Chile is necesary to know the educational context and know the student.
How can we end bullying?
The NGO determined that only bullying is considered harassment when it is kept on repeated occasions during the time. That is the reason why, the harassment is justified when the victim was molested only once.
Exist two kind of bullying:
- Direct, this is when the bullying es physical and there insult to the person.
- Indirect, is when exist only threat.
Not always bullying is physical, there is also cyberbullying, which is completely psychological. But in Chile, the "Ley de Violencia Escolar" of 2011, dosen't iclude cyberbullying literally.
It affects the emotional, since between pairs the children are cruel. However, this is also closely related to the emotional intelligence that the child has developed throughout his life, attachment also plays an important role, since it is the basis on which self-esteem and self-concept are obtained.
There is a program called KiVa, this is aimed at the prevention of bullying. This program was created by Christina Salmivalli, based on studies carried out at the University of Turku, in Finland.
Chistina say that is better work with the teachers, than with the parents.
For to implement the KiVa program in Chile is necesary to know the educational context and know the student.
How can we end bullying?
- For fight the harassment, must work in team (parents+school+classmates).
- Show that the child can tell you what happens to them, that they can trust you.
- As a family, try to meet the friends of your child's school, approach the teachers in charge, constantly, to be alerted if something out of the ordinary happens.
The text is good. However, we need to make is sound more academic by introducing and changing some language so it is more impersonal and more formal