The Really Problem in Chile I would like to refer to bullyng in Chile, this has become a big problem in the educational and emotional area of the children and teachers in the country. Fisrtly I would like to refer bulling is. It is harassment school, what can be done between classmates, can pass from a teacher to a student or vice versa. And it can also happen between teachers. In Chile the bullyng rate is very high, the NGO "Bullyng sin fronteras" points out that bullyng since april of 2017 at april 2018 in Chile were up the claims for bullying. The NGO determined that only bullying is considered harassment when it is kept on repeated occasions during the time. That is the reason why, the harassment is justified when the victim was molested only once. Exist two kind of bullying: Direct, this is when the bullying es physical and there insult to the person. Indirect, is when exist only threat. Not always bullying is physical, there i...